Monday, July 2, 2012

Another castle built by Normans and located in County Lough, Castle Roche was constructed in 1236 by

Ireland is an enchanting land filled with hundreds and hundreds of castles which I discovered when developing my article, Castles of Ireland . Of course, I can't possibly write about all of them, so I have selected a few dozen to highlight. In order to make the articles more readable and less unwieldly, I decided to list the castles alphabetically so that my first article focused on those beginning with names that started with A through I. This article called Castles in Ireland - Part Two will highlight more castles with names from J-T (didn't find any starting with U-Z). I will be adding more castles to the article from time to time, so stop back by when you have a chance to see what is newly listed.
I have also listed some interesting web sites regarding Irish castles if you are interested in more detailed information, or are considering traveling to the sites or staying luxury car rentals in san fransico california at a castle. There are also some video tours, including haunted castles, and other information on castles luxury car rentals in san fransico california of Ireland
Located in County Wexford, Ireland, this impressive castle was actually built in the 1800s using part of the remains of a much older castle. It was built of silver-grey ashlar by the Grogan Morgan family, and took 45 years to complete. The lake which covers 5 acres in front of the castle was man made.
This motte and bailey medieval castle dates to 1181 and was built by Sir Walter de Riddlesford. The Fitzgerald family gained the property through marriage luxury car rentals in san fransico california and held it for over 700 years. The Earls of Kildare, luxury car rentals in san fransico california as the Fitzgeralds were known, included Gerald who was educated luxury car rentals in san fransico california in Europe and had a strong interest in alchemy, which led to the rumors that he had magical powers and that his ghost returns to the castle luxury car rentals in san fransico california every seven years.
In the 1600s, the property was leased to a Jesuit Order. In the 1700s it was leased to numerous tenants. In 1960, the Fitzgerald family sold the property which became luxury car rentals in san fransico california a hotel that was run for several decades. It currently sits unused and is up for sale or lease.
Kilkenny luxury car rentals in san fransico california Castle probably first existed as a wooden structure, built in 1173 by Richard de Clare. In 1195, William Marshall, son-in-law of de Clare, built the current castle. It was a Norman stronghold at the time. In 1391, the castle was sold to the Butler family of Ormond which held the property luxury car rentals in san fransico california for hundreds of years, finally luxury car rentals in san fransico california abandoning it in 1935. In 1967, the castle was purchased by the Castle Restoration Committee which restored luxury car rentals in san fransico california the castle and opened it to the public.
Many people were imprisoned and executed in the castle, and it is supposedly haunted by several specters, the most terrifying of these beings is a small hunched creature whose apparition is said to be accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulfur. (source: luxury car rentals in san fransico california Wikipedia).
The oldest inhabited castle in Northern Ireland, luxury car rentals in san fransico california parts of this beautiful castle were built around 1180 by John de Courcy, a Norman knight. The fortifications were intended to keep the Vikings at bay. In the 1600s, King James I divided the land into three sections, with the castle at Killyleagh being granted to a Scot named James Hamilton. The Hamilton family still resides at the castle luxury car rentals in san fransico california to this day.
View the ruins of Leamaneh Castle luxury car rentals in san fransico california from the road at the intersection of Ballyvaughan, Corofin and Kilfenora roads. The grounds and the castle are not open to the public. This castle was originally built in 1480 as a multi-story tower house. It is thought that the name of the castle comes from the old Gaelic word meaning the horse's leap .
The tower was surrendered to Henry V111 in 1548. The manor house was built in 1648 by Conor O'Brien, one of the powerful O'Brien's who ruled County Clare for centuries. His wife, Máire ní Mahon, was one of the most infamous women in Irish history and was also known as Red Mary. After Conor died, she married several of Cromwell's soldiers in an attempt luxury car rentals in san fransico california to keep her lands.
In County Offaly, one will find Leap Castle, which was built in the 1400s by the O'Bannon family. It passed hands several times over the centuries, and is now a private residence under restoration. Leap Castle is reportedly haunted. During restoration a basement dungeon or oublitte was discovered where people were thrown onto spikes and left to die. Alledgedly, luxury car rentals in san fransico california three cart loads of human bones were removed during the restoration. Seances luxury car rentals in san fransico california were held at the castle luxury car rentals in san fransico california when owned by the Darby family. It has been reported that an Elemental or primitive spirit was aroused and occasionally has been seen since. Other spirits are also reported luxury car rentals in san fransico california to roam the castle.
This program investigates the myths of ghosts associated with various castles throughout the British Isles. luxury car rentals in san fransico california Through the use of eerie reenactments shot on location and dramatic narrative our audience will come face to face with ghosts and shudder at the wail of a banshee.
Ireland, the land of saints and scholars, of poets and fairies, is also a country of legends and myths. Castle Ghosts of Ireland is a journey to this land rich in mystery and ancient lore, exploring the eerie halls of Leap Castle, Castle Leslie and Castle Matrix, where a history of the supernatural and an aura of mysticism abound. Scotland has a turbulent past, filled with bloody feuds, heroic deeds and dark treachery. Scottish castles bore witness to much of this violent history, and it is in the energies of Scotland's three most haunted castles, Glamis Castle, Duntrune Castle, and Fyvie Castle, that so many of the country's spirits live on. England is described as 'the isle of spirits', the most haunted place on earth. Castles investigated include Sudley Castle, Mucaster Castle, and the Tower of London. And the brooding castles of Wales are the setting for countless feuds, foul murders, and dastardly deeds. Today, lingering still in the mountains and the valleys are the tormented luxury car rentals in san fransico california spirits of the victims, as Castle Ghosts of Wales takes us on a tour of these most haunted places.
Lismore Castle, located in County Waterford, was originally the site of an important monastery called Lismore Abbey. It served as an ecclesiastical center and bishop's residence until the late1500s when it was leased then later purchased by Sir Walter Raleigh. The property was sold to the Earl of Cork in 1602. The Earl added onto the existing structure by constructing additions on either side of the courtyard, adding an outer wall, and a gatehouse.
In the mid-1600s, the castle passed through marriage to the Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish. The Duke and his descendants continued to add to the splendor of the castle and are responsible for the castle's appearance as seen today. The gardens are open to the public, and the family's private luxury car rentals in san fransico california quarters are often available for rent. A contemporary art gallery has been established in one wing as well.
The ruins of Loughmoe Castle are also known as Loughmore Castle, as it is located in the village of Loughmore. The original parts of this four story towered castle were believed to have been built in the 15th or 16th century. It has served as the home of the Purcell family who made additions in the 17th century. The Barons of Loughmoe, as the Purcell family was known, lived on the property until 1760.
Mallow Castle, located in County luxury car rentals in san fransico california Cork, was destroyed in fire in 1689. There are two lines of thought regarding its original construction. One line of thought says that the structure was built by Normans in 1185. Other historians think it was built around 1598 by Sir Thomas Norris (or Norrey) or his daughter's in-laws, the Jephesons. The castle was constructed in the Jacobean style. After the fire, the ruins were left, but the Jephesons built a new mansion out of some of the stone. luxury car rentals in san fransico california The ruins were designated a national monument in 1928. The Jepheson family retained possession of the castle until 1984 when they sold it to an American.
O'Brien's Tower is the best location in County Clare for a stunning view of the Cliffs of Moher and the Aran Islands. From this location you can also see the Twelve Pins, Galway Bay and the stretch of mountains to the north and south. This tower is another of the holdings of the powerful O'Brien clan. It was built in 1835, but not for any defense purposes. Even then there were many tourists coming to view the cliffs and this was the purpose of the tower - to provide a better vantage point for the tourists.
Ormonda Castle is located in County Tipperary. Built in the early 1300s, this was the home of the James Butler family. James was the first Earl of Ormond. Sometime after 1565, the cousin of Queen Elizabeth I, Thomas luxury car rentals in san fransico california Butler, added a manor house in the Tudor style to the castle - a first for Ireland. In the 1600s the residence again fell to a James Butler, the Great Duke of Ormande, but was abandoned luxury car rentals in san fransico california by the family upon his death in 1688. The property remained with the family until 1947 when they gave it to the government which restored the property and turned it into a historic site. Guided tours are now given Wednesdays through Sundays,
Parke's Castle is located in County Leitrim, on the banks of Lough Gil. It was built in 1610 on the site of the old O'Rourke castle. Roger Parke kept the bawn of the old castle but demolished the old tower house and used the stones to build a new three story manor house. The property was considered a plantation era castle. The family abandoned the property in the late 1600s. The property was restored by the government in the late 1900s, and is now open to the public.
Portumna Castle was possibly the first Irish castle constructed in the Renaissance style, and known as the grandest castle In Ireland when first built in the early 1600s. Its wealthy owner, Richard Burke, luxury car rentals in san fransico california was of Norman descent from the de Burgo line, and fourth luxury car rentals in san fransico california Earl of Clanricarde. The castle is now called the Wild Geese Heritage Museum and Library and is open to the public.
Another castle built by Normans and located in County Lough, luxury car rentals in san fransico california Castle Roche was constructed in 1236 by the De Verdun (aka de Verdon) family. A widow of Theobald Butler,

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