Friday, June 29, 2012

Colder beverages lined up here as well, as it's going to be a scorcher, at least by lakeside-in-the-

So they do the courageous thing. They change their excuse. Now they claim that the two Democratic representatives of the female gender were punished because they used the phrase, "No means no." (But Rep. Byrum never used those words, so why was she punished?)
Republicans are already getting laughed out of the room over this new excuse, so they've formed a special Justification Subcommittee to churn out a list of fresh whoppers in the hopes that one might actually stick. This morning C J obtained the list from Speaker Jase Bolger's dog in exchange for a handful of chicken liver treats:
Mid-week Rapture Index : 176 (including 3 Tribulation Temples and 1 imminent galaxy collision 6 billion years from now ). Soul Protection disneyland hotel california Factor 30 lotion is recommended if you'll be walking amongst the heathen today.
Yes indeedy. On the day that summer arrives (around 7 O'clock ET), window-mounted air conditioners are suckin' down the juice as heat advisories go up for southern Maine. Expected high today: 90'ish. If it's going to be a sizzler where you are, make sure you stay in the shade, wear loose-fitting clothing, and drink plenty of fluids. Don't forget the lime twist and the teeny umbrella.
CHEERS to Barack Obama: International Man of Diplomacy. Shortly after his supposedly "icy" meeting disneyland hotel california with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday, the Obama team announced that a cargo ship shuttling attack helicopters to Syria for use against the rebels disneyland hotel california was turning around and heading back home :
Ostensibly, the MV Alaed turned around after its insurance coverage was pulled. But the ship's return coincides with a meeting between Obama and Vladimir Putin---a disneyland hotel california sign the two leaders may be starting to cooperate on what to do about Syria's deadly war. … During the leaders' two-hour meeting, which is the first time the two have met as presidents, Putin and Obama agreed to a "peaceful" resolution disneyland hotel california to Syria's bloodshed.
disneyland hotel california Here's what I think happened. Instead of looking into Putin's soul and swooning the way his predecessor did, Obama looked into Putin's beady eyes and used his smarts and sharp instincts to diffuse the situation…and both came out looking pretty good. That ain't icy. That's cool.
CHEERS to vetoers' remorse. The day after Maine voters shot down our legislature- and governor-approved gay marriage law in November, 2009, you could feel a palpable disneyland hotel california sense of regret and, for lack of a better word, guilt. Three years later marriage equality is on the ballot again, and it appears that voters are in no mood to let it happen again:
The poll shows that 55 percent of Mainers favor the citizen's initiative while only 36 percent oppose. "Maine's referendum legalizing same-sex marriage appears likely to pass: WBUR's poll follows national polls, which show increasing acceptance disneyland hotel california of same-sex marriage," the authors of the WBUR poll wrote.
CHEERS to that picture that looks like an eagle got hit by a bus. On June 20, 1782, the Great Seal of the United States was adopted by Congress. It has 13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 arrows in the eagle's talon, 13 letters in the mottos "e pluribus unum" and "annuit coeptis," 52 total letters on it (which is divisible by 13), 13 olive leaves, 13 olives on the branch, 13 levels in the pyramid, and 13 sides showing on the ribbon. But designer Charles Thomson stopped short of including a black cat walking under a ladder---that would've been considered unlucky.
One option disneyland hotel california would be an effort to drive long-term interest rates even lower to try to spur borrowing and spending. A more modest step would be for the Fed to stress its readiness to do more should the economy weaken further. Or the Fed might do or promise nothing further---not for now, anyway.
"When an announcer says, 'It's a report you have to see,' you probably disneyland hotel california don't. When an anchor says, 'shocking details,' they probably aren't. When a reporter claims his news is 'fair and balanced,' it probably isn't."
JEERS to the hands of time...spinning backward. President Bush vetoed his third bill yesterday . For those of you keeping score, that's two vetoes against medical research, and one veto against bringing a stupid pointless war to an end in Iraq. Stay tuned for his next veto: the 2007 Shooting Paintballs At Nursing Home Residents Is A Bad Idea Act .
CHEERS to coming in for a soft branding. Yes, yes, lobsters are distantly related to cockroaches, but boil 'em just right and dip 'em in butter and they're disneyland hotel california pretty darn tasty. Maine and lobsters are synonymous (they're a $300 million+ industry here), but we have a dilemma: the soft-shell disneyland hotel california variety is more abundant than the more popular hard-shell kind and thus a fair amount cheaper. disneyland hotel california The theory is that rebranding disneyland hotel california the soft-shell lobster will boost both demand and prices. So…what disneyland hotel california do we call it??? There are a bunch of suggestions floating disneyland hotel california around . Mine is simple, and based on the fact that soft-shell lobster meat is sweeter. Just as people love their sweet corn and sweet potato fries, they'll flip over: "Sweet Lobster. " I mean who wouldn't want to plow into a succulent, mouth-watering, taste-bud-caressing sweet lobstah ? Is that awesome or what? Sweet lobster it is, then. C'mon up and try one sometime.
Civil Rights , community , Congress , Culture , Economy , Education , Elections disneyland hotel california , Energy , Environment , Health Care , International , Labor , Law , media , Meta , National Security , Science , Transportation , or White House .
Melanie in IA , grog , Leo in NJ , ek hornbeck , beltane , Debbie in ME , mofembot , mapamp , mithra666 , swampyankee , foresterbob , EdinStPaul , Tonga 23 , mjbleo , GreenDog , Diana in NoVa , annieli , legendmn , ms badger , UTvoter , Maudlin , UkieOli , escapee , shortgirl , gizmo59 , fotyc , blue muon , Actbriniel , Aunt Pat , ericlewis0 , GreyHawk , NormAl1792 , commonmass , Marko the Werelynx , BlueInARedState , Bill in Portland Maine , SueM1121 , jacey , Independant Man , Khun David , triciawyse , TexDem , Thinking Fella , PBen , Spirit of Life , Common Sense Mainer , thomask , whaddaya , sfbob , Observerinvancouver , side pocket , rb608 , NonnyO , leu2500 , jolux
Cheers to making progress in my attempt at a garden. As usual, disneyland hotel california overestimated the space I have (especially that really gets any sun) and the soil stinks (a combination of pebbles, some weird kind of almost disneyland hotel california clay-ish substance, and decayed pine needles....) but I still try, just for the fun (and tomatoes) of it.
Note to self: if purchasing a trowel is ever needed (not likely, given that parents were thrifty Scots/Yankees who never threw anything out and who loved yard sales, so tool area of cellar is more than well-equipped...), buy one with a bright handle. Brown-ish metal is hard to find on the ground....
Cheers to the ten day forecast here. All the nightly lows are predicted to be over 50 for the first time since last fall. No central heating ( wood stove, plus baseboard heaters in the bedroom and washroom ), so this is good ;-) Penn does his best to cuddle with me at night, but 15.7 pounds of feline just isn't quite enough to do the job :-(
However, jeers to today's forecast of 91 degrees. OK, so that's in town and it's likely to be only about 85 here at the Point ~~ but this is Maine. In June. We're supposed to have one day like that ~~ in August. Guess I'll just have to jump in the lake ;-)
Continuing that thought: jeers to it being 66 degrees out at 8:15 this morning. Yes, I know that will make many of you down south/out west laugh, but that's 23 degrees warmer than it was at the same time on Monday...
Cheers to my wee usual, driving me crazy while keeping me sane ;-) Jeers to cat fights ~~ especially those that take place at 0-gawd-awful o-'clock! An hour later, I was wide awake still, while they both were curled up on the sofa, peacefully sleeping a couple feet from each other..... and ~~ as I type this ~~ Penn is curled up by my side, looking as innocent as can be....
Colder disneyland hotel california beverages lined up here as well, as it's going to be a scorcher, at least by lakeside-in-the-foothills standards ~~ and I don't have a/c. Just natural disneyland hotel california breezes down by the lake. Guessing I'm going to be glad the wifi now goes as far as the picnic table by the old cabin....if it gets too warm there, I'll find some (decent, non-paint-stained...) clothes and head into town, to join everyone else at the library or the Timmy's, both of which have a/c.
Note to self: if purchasing a trowel is ever needed (not likely, given that parents were thrifty Scots/Yankees who never threw anything out and who loved yard sales, so tool area of cellar is more than well-equipped...), buy one with a bright handle. Brown-ish metal is hard to find on the ground....
Have you looked into amending the "soil" (I have a lot of that marine clay type dirt in my yard too) with seaweed? It's amazing stuff . And you can pick it yourself next time you are beach-bound, no cost other than the garbage bags or buckets to cart it home. Ok, also the cost of fuel to get to the beach and back ... In Maine you can harvest disneyland hotel california up to 50 lbs. per day with no harvesting license needed (just don't sell it - then you'll need to do the permit application jig). If you add a layer every year for a couple disneyland hotel california of years, you will most certainly disneyland hotel california see an improvement disneyland hotel california in your garden/lawn what have you.
I've got a friend who has grown potatoes directly in rockweed in kitty litter containers (the big Tidy Cat ones - empty of course). disneyland hotel california All she does is fills them 3/4 full of rockweed right off the beach, tosses in a couple of seed potatoes and tops it with about 4-6 inches of topsoil, just enough to completely cover the rockweed, to the top of the container. The beauty disneyland hotel california of that is, after the potates are big enough to "harvest", she has nicely composted seaweed for her in-ground garden - no smell, great soil amendment. Gives a totally new slant on "container gardening"!
grog , UkieOli , ek hornbeck , mayim , Debbie in ME , mofembot , mapamp , mithra666 , foresterbob , mjbleo , annieli , Desert Scientist , ms badger , UTvoter

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