Friday, June 29, 2012

Pollutants include nutrients, gas/oil and chemicals/metals. Of all the pollutants, the nutrient phos

Our Maine lakes and ponds are beautiful , but they are also quite fragile. Surrounded by a watershed all the land area that drains or sheds its water into the lake or pond it's easy for toxic substances to enter them and remain for a long time.
Pollutants include nutrients, gas/oil and chemicals/metals. Of all the pollutants, the nutrient phosphorus is of the most concern . Phosphorus is an important nutrient that occurs in different forms throughout the environment. travel warnings Since our lakes and ponds are already filled with nutrients, adding more phosphorus to the mix through such things as fertilizers, overstimulates travel warnings the growth of algae and aquatic plants. Excessive growth of these types of organisms consequently clogs our waterways, uses up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and blocks light to deeper waters. Muddy water is phosphorus laden water.
Developed areas, which have more impervious surfaces such as roads, driveways, roof tops, etc. have more storm water run-off. Poor ditching and poor drainage along roads and driveways, failing septic systems and the use of fertilizers also add to the phosphorus levels. It doesn't travel warnings take much phosphorus to cause an algae bloom, thus decreasing the water quality .
Five to ten times more phosphorus comes from these developed travel warnings watersheds. In contrast, forested watersheds filter travel warnings storm water naturally though pine needles, leaves and other vegetated buffers that slow runoff.
To prevent pollution from occurring, it's important for waterfront property owners to keep soil from running into the lakes. Take a look at your lakefront real estate and identify sources of erosion, e.g. exposed roots and stones, road ruts, bare soil, accumulated or transported sediment and deltas in the lake.
Fixes include using phosphorus-free fertilizer if you must fertilize, directing run-off to stable vegetation by creating meandering footpaths to the lake , installing a drip edge trench along the drip line of a house without a gutter, using a rain barrel to capture travel warnings water, planting vegetated buffers, crowning a road or driveway, or installing runoff diverters such as rubber razors or open-top culverts.

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